
Notice of the General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation on Issuing the Annual Action Plan for the Standardization and Specialization of Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institutions


Municipal Supervision Special Purpose Document [2024] No. 34

Market supervision bureaus (departments, committees) of various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

We hereby issue the Action Plan for the Standardization and Specialization of Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institutions to you. Please conscientiously implement it in accordance with the actual situation.

General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation

May 19, 2024

(This matter has been publicly released)

Standardization of Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institutions

Professional Construction Year Action Plan

In order to further implement the main responsibility of special equipment inspection and testing institutions, standardize the management of inspection and testing institutions and personnel, improve the quality of inspection and testing, and enhance the safety guarantee capacity of special equipment, the General Administration has decided to carry out the National Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institution Standardization and Specialization Construction Year Action, with specific requirements as follows:

1、 Strengthen the standardized construction of special equipment inspection and testing institutions

(1) Conduct a self-examination of the qualifications of inspection and testing personnel. Special equipment inspection and testing institutions shall use personnel who have obtained corresponding qualifications to engage in inspection and testing work, handle personnel practice announcements in accordance with regulations, and continuously meet the approval conditions stipulated in the "Approval Rules for Special Equipment Inspection Institutions", "Approval Rules for Special Equipment Inspection Institutions", and "Approval Rules for Special Equipment Type Testing Institutions" (hereinafter referred to as the "Approval Rules"). When special equipment inspection and testing personnel apply for inspection and testing qualifications, they must provide authentic and valid application materials such as academic qualifications and professional titles in accordance with the requirements of the "Assessment Rules for Special Equipment Inspection Personnel" and "Assessment Rules for Non destructive Testing Personnel of Special Equipment" (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Assessment Rules"). Special equipment inspection and testing institutions shall conduct comprehensive self-examination of certified special equipment inspection and testing personnel in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Approval Rules and Assessment Rules. One is to self check whether the certified full-time staff of our institution have clear job positions and have actually fulfilled their job responsibilities, have traceable work witnesses, continuously pay social security, and whether the number of personnel continues to meet the requirements of the Approval Rules. The second is to self check the authenticity of the educational certificates and professional title certificates submitted by all certified personnel of this institution when collecting evidence. Higher education diploma certificates should be verified through methods such as the China Higher Education Student Information Network (China Higher Education Student Information Network); The professional title certificate should be verified by combining the work experience of the holder, comparing the original professional title certificate with the original evaluation form, or through government professional title qualification approval documents, human resources and social security department professional title evaluation information query platforms, etc.

Market supervision departments in various regions should guide, supervise, and track the self inspection work of special equipment inspection and testing institutions within their jurisdiction. After completing the above-mentioned self inspection work, the special equipment inspection and testing institution shall immediately rectify the problems found, fill out the "Statistical Table of Self Inspection Situation of Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institutions" (see Annex 1), sign and stamp, and submit it to the local market supervision department at the city level before the end of July.

(2) Strengthen the supervision and inspection of inspection and testing institutions. Special equipment inspection and testing institutions should strictly follow safety technical specifications and quality management system requirements for inspection and testing, develop targeted inspection and testing plans, and strengthen the quality assessment of inspection and testing work. Market regulatory authorities in various regions should conduct supervision and inspection on institutions engaged in special equipment inspection and testing within their jurisdiction, strengthen inspection and testing plans, report spot checks, and on-site inspections, and severely crack down on illegal and irregular behaviors such as issuing serious false or false reports. Focusing on the implementation of the Implementation Plan for the Special Rectification of Urban Gas Safety in the Market Supervision System and the Three Year Action Plan for Building a Bottom for Elevator Safety (2023-2025), we will focus on inspecting gas cylinder inspection institutions, elevator inspection and testing institutions, and inspection institutions conducting inspections of gas pressure pipelines and related pressure vessels.

(3) Strengthen the examination management of inspection and testing personnel. Local certification authorities should strengthen the supervision and management of examination institutions for special equipment inspection and testing personnel, urge examination institutions to improve quality management systems, strictly separate examination and training, implement avoidance requirements, strengthen proposition management, standardize examination procedures, and strictly enforce examination discipline. The issuing authority shall carry out supervision and inspection of examination institutions, focusing on the implementation of management systems, the implementation of video surveillance throughout the entire examination process, and the archiving of materials without blind spots.

(4) Strengthen the verification of licensing conditions for inspection and testing institutions and personnel. When issuing and evaluating certificates for special equipment inspection and testing institutions in various regions, they should strengthen the verification and control of full-time staff in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Approval Rules. They should verify the compliance of personnel resource conditions by verifying social security payment records, inspection performance, and performance witness. When issuing certificates and examination institutions in various regions carry out the qualification recognition of special equipment inspection and testing personnel, they should supervise the inspection and testing institutions to implement their main responsibilities. The educational certificates, professional title certificates, and inspection performance forms submitted by the hired personnel of the inspection and testing institutions when applying for qualifications must be verified, confirmed, and stamped by the inspection and testing institutions. The issuing authorities and examination institutions should strengthen the review and control of application materials, verify the authenticity of the applicant's submitted academic qualifications through effective channels such as the China Higher Education Student Information Network (China Higher Education Student Information Network), and verify the information of certificate holders through the National Special Equipment Publicity Information Query Platform.

2、 Strengthen the professional construction of special equipment inspection and testing institutions

(1) Implement a strict quality management system. Special equipment inspection and testing institutions should strictly establish and effectively implement a quality management system in accordance with regulations, fully leverage the quality control role of key personnel, refine the management requirements of on-site inspectors, effectively strengthen the quality control of the entire process, regularly conduct internal and external quality evaluations, and continuously improve and enhance the level of quality management. When conducting appraisal and evaluation work for special equipment inspection and testing institutions, appraisal and evaluation institutions should strengthen the verification of the implementation of the quality management system.

(2) Strengthen training for inspection and testing personnel. Special equipment inspection and testing institutions should strengthen the pre job training and ability evaluation of professional technical personnel, strictly carry out personnel training in accordance with the requirements of the Approval Rules, continuously enhance the professional knowledge and skills of inspection and testing personnel, effectively improve the level of discovering special equipment defects and potential hazards, and enhance the overall technical ability of the inspection and testing professional team in risk identification and safety assurance. We need to strengthen the selection and training of backbone talents and job experts in inspection and testing. Encourage participation in verification of inspection and testing capabilities, technical competitions, and skill competitions, establish incentive policies, and give greater recognition and rewards to athletes who achieve excellent results in various competitions. Encourage the improvement of the abilities of special equipment inspection and testing personnel through various means such as online public welfare lectures.

(3) Promote the improvement of inspection capabilities. Large scale inspection institutions should strengthen investment in scientific and technological innovation, strive for the construction of national and provincial key laboratories and other scientific and technological innovation bases, promote the use of advanced technology and equipment, focus on major technical issues, and carry out research on safety assurance technology, standard development, and application demonstration and promotion. Encourage special equipment inspection institutions to innovate cooperation mechanisms and strengthen communication and cooperation in areas such as quality improvement, talent cultivation, scientific research, technology promotion, and resource sharing. Strengthen technical and talent assistance, and promote inspection institutions in Northeast and Western regions to improve their inspection capabilities.

(4) Strengthen the support and guarantee role of public welfare inspection institutions. Special equipment inspection institutions within the market supervision system should strengthen the construction of inspection capabilities in personnel, equipment, facilities, and other aspects, do a good job in ensuring that all inspections should be carried out. At the same time, they should actively cooperate in carrying out supervision and inspection, hidden danger investigation, accident investigation, emergency rescue, regulatory standard revision, science popularization education and other activities, participate in major activities and major disaster safety guarantees, and continuously strengthen their support and guarantee role in safety supervision work.

3、 Continuously strengthening the construction of inspection and testing ethics for special equipment

(1) Strengthen the construction of professional ethics. Special equipment inspection and testing institutions should strengthen the construction of quality and integrity management systems for inspection and testing, clarify requirements for compliance with laws and regulations, honest inspection, integrity and self-discipline, standardized employment, and strict adherence to bottom lines, and educate and guide inspection and testing personnel to strengthen their sense of responsibility and discipline. Special equipment inspection and testing personnel must abide by professional ethics, conduct inspections in accordance with laws and regulations, and conduct inspections impartially. They must not shirk responsibility, delay, create difficulties, violate integrity discipline, or damage the business environment. Special equipment inspection agencies should formulate integrity service commitments and make them public to the public, establish a rotation and exchange system for inspection personnel, and organize inspection personnel to sign integrity and self-discipline commitment letters.

(2) Strengthen the investigation of integrity risks. Special equipment inspection agencies should conduct an analysis of integrity risk points, taking inspection quality, timeliness, service and other issues as a breakthrough point, improve integrity risk prevention and control measures, and establish an integrity investigation mechanism for abnormal inspection quality and service issues. We will conduct in-depth investigations around issues such as long-term unresolved inspection projects, lengthy inspection report issuance cycles, lax on-site quality control, concealment of major inspection issues, lax review of archived materials, unreasonable inspection subcontracting, and non-standard inspection fees, effectively eliminating potential risks of integrity and equipment safety hazards.

(3) Strictly manage subcontracting work. Special equipment inspection agencies should clarify the scope of subcontracting, strengthen subcontracting management, establish subcontracting management procedures, and clarify quality and integrity discipline requirements. Strictly review the qualifications of subcontracting units, ensure that their qualifications, capabilities, and quality management system meet the requirements, and sign service agreements with them to clarify quality standards and responsibilities of both parties. Strengthen quality supervision of subcontracting work, regularly evaluate the quality control, service capabilities, and implementation of integrity discipline of subcontracting units, and ensure compliance with the subcontracting work process and quality.

(4) Strengthen supervision and guidance on professional conduct. Market supervision departments in various regions should strengthen supervision and inspection of the construction of professional conduct in the field of special equipment inspection and testing in accordance with the relevant requirements of the State Administration of Market Regulation. They should guide special equipment inspection and testing institutions in their jurisdiction to conduct integrity risk analysis, improve integrity discipline requirements and prevention and control measures. Organize special equipment inspection and testing institutions within the jurisdiction to carry out warning education activities. Inviting inspected enterprises, industry experts, etc. to supervise and evaluate the construction of inspection and testing institutions and personnel conduct. Encourage relevant industry organizations to actively play their role in self-discipline and supervision, guide special equipment inspection and testing institutions to operate in compliance with the law, provide honest services, standardize their work, and create a good atmosphere.

4、 Regarding requirements

(1) Strengthen mobilization and deployment. Provincial market supervision departments should formulate implementation plans based on actual situations, refine work requirements, clarify responsibilities, strengthen organizational leadership, mobilize and deploy special equipment inspection and testing institutions within their jurisdiction, ensure the implementation of relevant measures, and ensure the effectiveness of work.

(2) Strengthen problem rectification. Market supervision departments in various regions should urge special equipment inspection and testing institutions to rectify the problems found and eliminate hidden dangers. For inspection and testing institutions that have problems but take the initiative to rectify them in a timely manner, and inspection and testing personnel who voluntarily confess and handle cancellation procedures, local market supervision departments may handle them in a lighter manner depending on the circumstances. For problems that are concealed or not reported, and are discovered or reported by market regulatory authorities through supervision and inspection, or if there are problems that are self inspected and self corrected, they shall be dealt with strictly in accordance with the law and discipline, and the work of disciplinary connection shall be done well in accordance with regulations.

(3) Strengthen information reporting. Each provincial market supervision department should submit their work situation (including typical cases) and statistical tables (see Annex 2) to the Special Equipment Bureau of the State Administration before the end of July and November respectively. The Special Equipment Bureau of the State Administration will organize law enforcement research on the work situation in relevant regions.

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