
Common knowledge of dangerous goods transportation


What is dangerous goods?

According to the national standard GB6944-86 "Classification and Product Names of Dangerous Goods", any goods with explosive, flammable, corrosive and other properties that are prone to personal injury and property damage during transportation, storage, and storage and require special protection are classified as dangerous goods, namely dangerous goods. Among them, hazardous materials for combustion and explosion account for a considerable proportion.

Common Knowledge of Dangerous Goods Transportation (II) Basic Conditions for Road Transport of Dangerous Goods

Businesses engaged in the transportation of dangerous goods on roads must not only meet the basic conditions stipulated for the transportation of ordinary goods on roads, but also meet the following conditions:

1. Vehicles, containers, loading and unloading machinery, and machinery for dangerous goods must comply with the conditions stipulated in the JT3130 "Regulations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Vehicles" of the Ministry of Transport, and must be inspected and approved by the road transportation management agency.

2. Having corresponding facilities and equipment that can ensure the safe transportation of dangerous goods.

3. The parking lot must ensure smooth entry and exit of vehicles, and have a certificate of approval from relevant departments allowing the parking of dangerous goods transportation vehicles. If there are specialized vehicles for dangerous goods, a corresponding number of enclosed garages should be set up.

4. Drivers, escorts, loaders, and relevant business management personnel directly engaged in road transportation of dangerous goods must master relevant knowledge of dangerous goods transportation and hold the Road Dangerous Goods Transportation Operation Certificate issued by the local (city) level or above road transportation management agency or dangerous goods transportation management agency.

5. Drivers of dangerous goods transportation vehicles must have at least 2 years of safe driving experience or a safe driving distance of over 50000 kilometers.

6. Units engaged in the transportation of dangerous goods on commercial roads must not only meet the conditions stipulated in the "Detailed Rules", but also have at least 5 vehicles for transporting dangerous goods, more than 3 years of management experience in transportation operations, equipped with corresponding professional technical management personnel (including at least 1 chemical professional with a junior technical title), and have established and improved safety operating procedures and a job responsibility system for vehicle equipment maintenance Maintenance and safety quality education regulations.

Common Knowledge of Dangerous Goods Transportation (III) Precautions for Handling Dangerous Goods Consignment

The shipper of dangerous goods must do the following when handling the consignment:

(1) Apply for consignment to transportation operators who have obtained the qualification for road transportation of dangerous goods.

(2) Fill in the dangerous goods name, specifications, weight, quantity, packaging method, departure date, detailed address of the consignee and shipper, and precautions during transportation clearly on the consignment note. For dangerous goods with special requirements or transportation certificates, relevant documents must be attached and indicated in the remarks column of the consignment note.

(3) To transport the following dangerous goods, relevant documents must be presented:

1. Explosive materials and chemical hazardous materials that require certification for transportation shall hold explosive materials transportation permits or chemical hazardous materials transportation permits issued by the public security department;

2. Radioactive materials should hold a packaging surface contamination and radiation level inspection certificate issued by the designated health and epidemic prevention department.

(4) Dangerous goods with conflicting nature or fire extinguishing methods must be filled out with separate consignment notes to prevent major accidents caused by mixed loading.

(5) For the shipment of new types of dangerous goods that are not included in the "List of Dangerous Goods for Motor Transport", a "Dangerous Goods Appraisal Form" reviewed by the competent department of the production or business unit must be submitted for approval by the Provincial Highway Transport Administration before transportation can be processed.

Any transportation accident resulting from failure to handle dangerous goods consignment in accordance with the above regulations shall be the full responsibility of the consignor.

Dangerous Goods Transportation Knowledge (4) Dangerous Goods Transportation Management 1. When enterprises need to transport or load and unload chemical hazardous materials for production purposes, they must comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of Transportation, and the Civil Aviation Administration on railways, highways, waterways, and air transportation of chemical hazardous materials.

2. When vehicles transporting flammable, explosive, toxic and hazardous chemicals pass through urban areas and towns, they must apply for a transportation permit from the local public security and traffic management department in advance, and apply for the driving route and time. During transportation, they must not stop at will.

3. Enterprises and institutions may transport small amounts of urgently needed chemical hazardous materials for reagents or scientific research in accordance with relevant regulations of railway and transportation departments.

4. When transporting and loading and unloading chemical hazardous materials, enterprises and institutions should not only comply with relevant regulations of railway and transportation departments, but also comply with the following regulations:

(1) Vehicles or ships carrying hazardous chemicals must be specialized vehicles or ships approved by relevant departments to use vehicles that comply with safety regulations and comply with relevant regulatory requirements.

(2) It is prohibited to transport hazardous chemicals on vehicles or ships without safety facilities or that do not meet the requirements.

(3) Chemical hazardous materials that are flammable in contact with water and toxic chemical hazardous materials are prohibited from being transported by small machine sailboats and small wooden boats.

(4) Equip sufficient escort personnel according to work requirements. The escort work must be carried out by individuals with a strong sense of work responsibility, who have undergone training and passed assessment by the provincial chemical regulatory department, and have obtained the escort certificate.

(5) The sales department needs to inspect customers who come to the factory to transport dangerous goods: purchase certificates; Transport permit; The escort certificate of the escort personnel; The tank (tank) truck has a license and the transportation tool meets safety requirements through visual inspection. If any problems are found, the user should be instructed to handle them before shipment. Otherwise, if any problems occur, the user should also bear certain responsibilities.

5. Enterprises should strengthen safety management and inspection of the transportation of hazardous chemicals within the factory to prevent accidents from occurring.

Common Knowledge of Dangerous Goods Transportation (5)

Dangerous goods transportation vehicles must bring all necessary documents on the road. 1. Road transportation certificate issued by the vehicle traffic management department (must be stamped with the road dangerous goods transportation special seal)

A valid driving license issued by the public security vehicle management department

Effective tank quality inspection certificate issued by the quality and technical supervision department

Road Transport Permit for Highly Toxic Chemicals (Transport of Highly Toxic Chemicals)

Hang hazardous transportation signs and signs issued by the transportation department as required

2. Practitioner drivers

A valid driver's license issued by the public security department and a business road transportation driver (dangerous goods transportation) qualification certificate issued by the traffic management department


Road dangerous goods operation certificate (escort certificate) issued by the transportation authority

What conditions should be met for engaging in road transportation of dangerous goods?

1. Organizational conditions of the enterprise

Having a sound corporate charter;

There are sound safety operating procedures, job responsibility systems, vehicle equipment maintenance and repair, and safety and quality education regulations and systems in place;

There is a sound production and operation organization.

2. Fixed office space with facilities and conditions;

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